Incoming Humans of Colgate: Meet Joshua Docking!

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Full Name: Joshua Docking

Nickname? Josh

Intended Major? Undecided

Where are you right now? Coventry, United Kingdom

Why did you choose Colgate? Colgate was introduced to me through my participation in the Sutton Trust US Programme, which helps disadvantaged young people in the UK to consider higher education in the US. For me, Colgate offered a home away from home, a community of communities and a place to truly develop my future as a student and as an adult.

How are you spending time in quarantine? Honestly I'm spending a LOT of time talking to friends and Class of 2020 classmates. I'm also super into Photography so I've been working on that too, plus I've been trying my best to formulate some kind of actual style, seeing as I have the time to try out new things now!

What excites you most about coming to Colgate in the fall? I'm INSANELY excited about meeting my fellow classmates and friends that I've made so far!! Also I'm obviously super excited about being immersed in a new culture and beginning my new life in a new country!

Hopes, dreams, goals for the future? Now, this is quite hard to answer because as you can see, my major is undecided as of yet. To be honest I quite like the idea of teaching English abroad, but I definitely want to keep my options open for now. The one real wish I have is that the path I end up on is right for me!

The best piece of advise you've ever received? Be yourself. I know that's probably cheesy and cliché, but it really has helped me to mature and to appreciate my differences in life. As a gay kid in a Catholic school, being myself was difficult, but ultimately it lead to me being able to just let go and not only brushing off the insults and mean-spirited people, but to actually start pushing for LGBTQ+ recognition both in and out of school.

Social Media Handles? (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) Instagram: @goatmint_ Photography Instagram: @klikkre

Anything else you want to add? I'm wishing the best for everyone during quarantine, and I hope we all get to meet on campus this fall. Happy Pride month everyone!!


Josh! We are all so excited to meet you (especially the OISS Program Coordinator as a fellow Brit☕). Follow Josh on social media and give him a huge Colgate "HELLO"!