A list of upcoming course offerings in the Department of Political Science at Colgate, for the purposes of planning for course registration
Fall 2024
Course Number | Course Title |
POSC 150 | America as a Democracy |
POSC 151 | Politics and Moral Vision (two sections) |
POSC 153 | Introduction to Comparative Politics (two sections) |
POSC 208 | Comparative Democracies (two sections) |
POSC 211 | Presidency and Executive Leadership (two sections) |
POSC 232 | Fundamentals of International Relations (five sections) |
POSC 260 | Foundations of Political Thought (three sections) |
POSC 301 | International Relations and Popular Culture (two sections) |
POSC 302 | Theories of Democracy |
POSC 303 | A View from the Mayor's Desk |
POSC/MIST 304 | Islam and Politics |
POSC 306 | Politics of North Korea (two sections) |
POSC 317 | Identity Politics |
POSC 323 | American Elections and Party Power |
POSC 326 | State and Local Politics |
POSC 328 | Religion and Politics |
POSC 346 | Beneath the Black Robes: Courts as Political Institutions |
POSC 349 | International Political Economy |
POSC 350 | SRS: Africa in World Politics |
POSC 357 | International Institutions (two sections) |
POSC/PCON 358 | Transnational Politics |
POSC/REST 359 | Power in Russia |
POSC 374 | International Law |
POSC 382 | American Political Thought |
POSC 389 | Constitutional Law: Structures & Powers |
POSC 405 | Seminar: Coercive Diplomacy: Trade, Aid & Sanctions |
POSC 456 | Seminar: War--Theories and Practices |
POSC 464 | Seminar: Freedom and Authority |
POSC 474 | Seminar: Law and Popular Culture |
POSC 498 | Honors Colloquium |