Steps to Facing Homesickness/Adjustment

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One of the biggest, and sometimes hardest, adjustments to college is that, for most people, it means being away from home for the first time. This can be difficult whether you are an hour away from home, across the country, or in a different country. Being at college means a new level of independence, which can be really exciting! However, that adjustment can also be scary. Here are some tips to make adjusting to college and being away from home a little easier:


  1. Talk about it.

    It can seem ‘uncool’ to say that you miss home, but it is likely that everyone around you is feeling the same way! Talking about it can make everyone realize that this is a normal feeling and create a supportive environment
  2. Find your people.

    Being surrounded by people who make college feel like your home away from home is a huge part in being comfortable at school. Try to find your people!  
  3. Get involved!

    Odds are if you are just sitting in your room all of the time you are going to miss home a lot more. You don’t have to make yourself busy 24/7, but find a cool club/sport that you enjoy spending time doing! Not only will this keep you occupied outside of class, but you can bond with people who share your interests.
  4. Plan trips home.

    I always found myself not as homesick if I knew when I would be going home next. Talk to your family/friends and try to plan out when you will be able to go home throughout the year, or when they will be able to come visit you! This way when you are feeling down you can just remind yourself you will see your loved ones soon.
  5. Make the most of your time at home.

    When you are home, cherish that time! I found that after going to college I really started to value the time I got to spend with my family. Whether it is just going to the grocery store, watching movies, making dinner, or going on a trip. There is something about not living at home anymore that makes you appreciate the little things you may not have before!
  6. Lastly, just enjoy where you are!

    It’s totally okay to miss home, but try to enjoy where you are in life! Try using these tips to ease your homesickness and allow yourself to enjoy your college experience. This time is a small chapter in your whole story, try not to let it slip away!