Chandra Russo

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Chandra Russo

Associate Professor of Sociology

Department/Office Information

Sociology and Anthropology
416 Alumni Hall


  • BA Vassar College
  • MA/PhD University of California Santa Barbara

Social Movements, Race and Racisms, Neoliberal Globalization, Environmental Justice, Embodiment and Health

2023. “White People’s Activism in US- based Social Movements for Racial Justice.” Sociology Compass.

2023. “Embodied Vulnerability and Sense-Making with Solidarity Activists” in Interpreting the Body: Between Meaning and Materiality. Edited by Anne Marie Champagne and Asia Friedman. University of Bristol Press.

2021. “Cities of Fruit: Arts Intervention and the Radical Imagination.” American Quarterly. 73(4): 793-815.

2021. “The Art of Care: Urban Oppositional Practices and the Case of the Guerrilla Grafters.” CITY: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action. 25(1-2): 7-26.

2018. Solidarity in Practice: Moral Protest and the US Security State. Chandra Russo. Cambridge University Press. 
2019 Peace War and Social Conflict Outstanding Book Award, honorable mention
2019 Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Book Award, honorable mention

2019. "Solidarity protests of US security policy: Interrupting racial and imperial affects through ritual mourning." Chandra Russo. Global Raciality: Empire, Postcoloniality, Decoloniality. Edited by in Paola Bacchetta and Sunaina Maira. Routledge. 

2017. "The pitfalls and promises of climate action plans: transformative adaptation as resilience strategy in US cities." Chandra Russo and Andrew Pattison. Resilience, Environmental Justice and the City. Edited by Beth Schaefer Caniglia, Manuel Vallee and Beatrice Frank. Routledge.  

2016. “Witness Against Torture, Guantánamo, and Solidarity as Resistance.” Chandra Russo. Race & Class. October. **lead article

2016. “Climate Action Planning: An Intersectional Approach to The Urban Equity Dilemma.” Chandra Russo and Andrew Pattison. Systemic Crises:  Race, Class, Gender and Global Climate Change. Edited by Phoebe Godfrey and Denise Torres. Routledge.

2014. “Allies Forging Collective Identity: Embodiment and Emotions on the Migrant Trail.” Chandra Russo. Mobilization: An International Journal. 19(1): 67-82.


  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Classical Social Theory
  • Senior Seminar in Sociology
  • Power, Racism and Privilege (race and ethnicity)
  • Power, Politics and Social Change (social movements)
  • Sociology of the Body
  • CORE California


  • Social Movements
  • Critical Ethnography
  • Introduction to Sociology